The HiPPO Phenomenon - The Importance of Data in Digital Marketing
In any social setting where there’s a hierarchy of rank, the opinion of the person with the bigger paycheck (Highest Paid Person’s Opinion) often overrides the opinion of those whose paycheck is smaller, regardless of whether it’s true or not. A manager’s opinon overrides that of a team member’s, the CEO’s opinion overrides that of a manager’s.
This “business management” approach simply does not work when it comes to digital marketing. An uninformed opinion – i.e. soft data – means nothing in the face of an informed opinion. Soft data means nothing in the face of statistics – i.e. hard data. Poor hard data means nothing in the face of better hard data.
Simply relying on the biggest HiPPO in the room, and not relying on hard data for your digital marketing strategy is a recipe for failure. In order to obtain and analyse good, useable, meaningful hard data, you need to regularly audit your website and overall online presence and analyse conversion effectiveness.